Application programming interface

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptate accusantium do lore mque laud ntium, totam rem ape riam que ipsa quae ab illo inventore

HTTP Method API URL Response format
Service list key action
Your API key services

Example response

[ { "service": 1, "name": "Followers", "type": "Default", "category": "First Category", "rate": "0.90", "min": "50", "max": "10000", "refill": true, "cancel": true }, { "service": 2, "name": "Comments", "type": "Custom Comments", "category": "Second Category", "rate": "8", "min": "10", "max": "1500", "refill": false, "cancel": true } ]

Example response

{ "order": 23501 }
Order status key action order
Your API key status Order ID

Example response

{ "charge": "0.27819", "start_count": "3572", "status": "Partial", "remains": "157", "currency": "USD" }
Multiple orders status key action orders
Your API key status Order IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

{ "1": { "charge": "0.27819", "start_count": "3572", "status": "Partial", "remains": "157", "currency": "USD" }, "10": { "error": "Incorrect order ID" }, "100": { "charge": "1.44219", "start_count": "234", "status": "In progress", "remains": "10", "currency": "USD" } }
Create refill key action order
Your API key refill Order ID

Example response

{ "refill": "1" }
Create multiple refill key action orders
Your API key refill Order IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

[ { "order": 1, "refill": 1 }, { "order": 2, "refill": 2 }, { "order": 3, "refill": { "error": "Incorrect order ID" } } ]
Get refill status key action refill
Your API key refill_status Refill ID

Example response

{ "status": "Completed" }
Get multiple refill status key action refills
Your API key refill_status Refill IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

[ { "refill": 1, "status": "Completed" }, { "refill": 2, "status": "Rejected" }, { "refill": 3, "status": { "error": "Refill not found" } } ]
Create cancel key action orders
Your API key cancel Order IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

[ { "order": 9, "cancel": { "error": "Incorrect order ID" } }, { "order": 2, "cancel": 1 } ]
User balance key action
Your API key balance

Example response

{ "balance": "100.84292", "currency": "USD" }